Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Driver's Ed

Today's flashback. Sixteen and taking driver's ed. Driving a Kcar. The instructor was Dutch with a heavy accent. Difficult to understand. He would take us out on the 401 and yell "Flur it!". Driving in a town called Ingersoll. My twin brother and a girl called Chris Mooney in the back seat. I'm making a wide left turn at a city intersection. The instructor thinks I'm too wide and grabs the wheel. For whatever reason, I "flur it" with the gas pedal. We veer and head across the lawn of the Catholic Church. I manage to take out the glass and steel sign with the lettering. I mean out of the ground. Then I hit the corner of the church. Bang. We are all okay, but the car is wrecked. First words? Chris Mooney in the back seat saying "holy shit" over and over. They never let me forget that one at school.

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