Friday, December 4, 2015

Accidental Me

Next. I'm 16 and I desperately want to be one of the cool kids. So I go to the night devoted to our school at the local ski resort. On the lifts, my cool friends give me drinks from a flask. The irony is that I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SKI. I just find myself speeding on sticks straight down the runs. So far, so good. But a blizzard comes up and the resort turns out the lights to indicate that it is closing. I take my last run in the dark. I don't know how to turn. And somehow, between the cut off, I hit a ski jump. I'm 40 feet in the air. I land on my face, breaking my nose, my left ski jams into the icy crust, but I keep rolling. Instant tortion break of my tibia. I'm unconscious for a while. I wake up in a deep, dark valley and realize that I'm in trouble. My face is bloody and my leg is at a really peculiar angle and there is a bulge in my leg with a bone sticking out. After about 20 minutes, convinced that I would die, the ski patrol arrives. They access the situation. They give we a bar with rubber to hold and bite and tell me that they are going to set my leg. They pull down and twist with my foot. Put it in a splint. Excruciating. Get down to the lodge and find out that the ambulance can't make it for at least an hour in the storm. Not good enough for my mom who was drinking hot toddies in the lodge. She can drive through anything. So she takes me on a 40 minute drive to the hospital. Once they cut off my pants. I see the bone sticking out and I pass out. Stitches and a hip cast. I spend the night under a dryer tent for the plaster cast. Mom deals.

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